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Cage FX
CFX Video7

CFX 7: Mayhem in Mansfield II – December 19, 2009 (Video)


This is one of the most amazing CFX cards ever with only two amateur fights going the distance and all the pro fights ending before the final bell of the second round. Under the threat of oncoming blizzard conditions, the fighters left fans in awe and sent them packing early. The main event put Josh Watson against Mark Griffin in a fight that ended with Watson scoring a slashing elbow that resulted in a stoppage.

SKU: cfx7 Category:

Product Description

This is one of the most amazing CFX cards ever with only two amateur fights going the distance and all the pro fights ending before the final bell of the second round. Under the threat of oncoming blizzard conditions, the fighters left fans in awe and sent them packing early. The main event put Josh Watson against Mark Griffin in a fight that ended with Watson scoring a slashing elbow that resulted in a stoppage.


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